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2017-09-06 PB min.
 Town of Princeton, Mass.       PLANNING BOARD    Minutes  --– Sept. 6, 2017

In Town Hall Annex small room. Present were: John Mirick, Tom Daly, Rud Mason, & Tom Sullivan along with alternate Ann Neuburg.  Ian Catlow was absent.

7:30 PM   John M. opened meeting and reviewed changes made to wording for temporary signs and for permanent signs. He distributed a track-change version of Section XXII “Signs.” He also reported on his meeting with selectmen. They favored the consolidation of the general bylaw signage section, which deals with signs on town-owned land, by placing it into the Zoning Bylaws.
Group also discussed offering remote signs for businesses like those in Vermont, using generic size/design/colors that town/state would supply at cost to the business. Will be researched. Group discussed how signage bylaws can be enforced when violations occur and referred to Zoning Bylaw section VIII 1.) Enforcement.  John M. will incorporate track-changes for review at next meeting.

8 PM  Carl Soderburg, 141 Sterling Road, came in asking about a parcel adjacent to his lot near entrance to Pheasant Hollow Run. The lot in question Map 13 Lot 4-12 has some restrictions or covenants attached possibly having to do with the common driveway and development of Pheasant Hollow. He wants to purchase it to gain some set-back space for upgrades/additions to his house, built in the 1940s, which currently doesn’t meet setbacks. After reviewing the assessors map, the group advised him to contact a surveyor to get a good survey plan and research the deeds. It did not seem as though ownership of the lot would be an issue and that ownership could be transferred, but more research was needed. He can return at next meeting to get a possible sign-off from the PB if needed for a real estate closing.

8:35 PM  Domenic Goulding on Hubbardston Road, purchased “Lot D” from Audubon as part of the Fieldstone Farm project and is considering utilizing a common driveway currently being shared by abutters Gardula and Crowley. First 300’ off road is in Rural Preservation District, which would need to be addressed if a new driveway on Goulding’s land was cut into the hayfield. John M. noted that the PB has no jurisdiction over ANR houselots, and with no construction/disturbance within the 300,’ no site plan was necessary. Goulding will come to next meeting for an approval/vote from PB.

8:55 PM  Group discussed subdivision regulations and requirement to bury utilities in new construction. Proposed adding “cable” to “all utilities” in the wording, and may consider adding a requirement for conduit for such installations.

9 PM  PM  Board voted all in favor to approve minutes of July 19, 2017.  

9:05 PM  Board voted all in favor to adjourn.

Respectfully Submitted:   Marie Auger, Admin. Assistant

Referenced Documents:  Working draft of signage bylaws

Upcoming meetings:   September 20, 2017

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department